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Why Me?

Why Me?

My name is John Weaver and I’m a Medicare Agent.  

I've been an agent for 7 years.  I've written hundreds of policies over these past 7 years.  

When hiring an agent, it's about trust and if you feel this is the one person that can help you.  Most agents have access to the same products and the same prices.

Here are some questions that may come to mind to you;

  1. Does this agent listen to me and does he/she truly understand what my needs are?
  2. Does he return my calls within a 24 hour period?
  3. Is he truly trying to help or just wanting to make  $?

So where do you find the information necessary to provide the care you deserve?  

You need a trained professional on your side, to be on your team.

Did you know I train 2-3 months and re-certify with each company each year?

Some agents are captive and they only are certified with one company.   

I'm certified with 16 companies. This training provides me with a deep understanding of how the Medicare System is set up and it can help you.

Depending upon the city you reside, there could be over 40 plans available.  

  1. How do you find the correct plan?    
  2. Are my medications covered?  
  3. Is my doctor in this plan?
  4. What does this plan cover?

Healthcare and finding the plan to cover your needs must be left up to professionals.    

My name is John Weaver. I'm licensed in multiple states.   Contact me and let me help.

John  310-567-5823

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